Invitation to HelSec statutory fall meeting
Published: 2020-11-26 by whois

As HelSec is a registered association, we have to arrange two statutory meetings per year. The COVID-19 situation ruined our initial plans for the fall meeting and as the overall situtation is still unsafe, we decided to have our fall meeting as an online meeting.
All of our members all more than welcome to join the meeting on 26th of November at 17:00 (UTC) / 19:00 (EET). The meeting will be held on Zoom and the meeting information can be found at the end of this email. The meeting will be recorded and shared afterwards with our members. Participating in statutory meetings is not mandatory.
In Finland PRH (Finnish Patent and Registration Office) does not recognize English as a main language of an association. Because of this, all documentation of the spring meeting will be in Finnish and later on translated to English for our non-Finnish-speaking members. Unfortunately, the meeting will be in Finnish as the material is in Finnish as well.
The meeting agenda is here.