HelSec 5 Year Anniversary Meetup

Welcome to the HelSec`s 5th Anniversary Meetup!

Powered by the Community!

Beverages will be provided on site by Olarin Panimo.
HelSec will offer the first round on the house.

We are using our own ticketing system in order to make the entry go smoother. You will get a ticket with a QR Code that will be scanned at the door.
The sign-ups will open 3.1 at 17:00 and can be found at:

17:30 - Doors open
18:00 - Word by HelSec
18:10 - Juho Jauhiainen - Story of HelSec
19:00 - Q&A, networking
19:20 - Joona Hoikkala - Ffu-ffu-fuzzing fhe feb (Redux)
20:00 - Q&A, food and networking hour + Disobey ticket quiz
21:00 - Joakim Tauren - Cyber Due Diligence: Lessons learned after 200 cases, the fun and the grind of buying companies
21:45 - Q&A, networking
22:10 - Shamil Afilov - A brief look at all things infostealers
23:00 - Q&A, networking, end of stream
23-> - B2B DJ Set by FinFog ThinFog

Speaker bios:
🔷 Juho Jauhiainen - is an experienced DFIR expert but that has nothing to do with this speech. In 2018, Juho started planning to set up HelSec together with Osku and the first meetup took place in January 2019. Until the end of 2023, Juho has contributed to HelSec’s board but will now take a back seat.
The speech is also a farewell to the running of the organisation, at least for the time being.
🔷 Joona Hoikkala - is a privacy and security enthusiast hacker and open so(u)rcerer involved in projects like Certbot, acme-dns and ffuf.
🔷 Joakim Tauren - CISO, Small Business Segment, Visma. Dad, fly fisher, hobby wood worker, aspiring communicator. Helping companies in Visma to make better security decisions every day.
🔷 Shamil Afilov - TurkuSec/PerSec Camp/CitySec, DisObey volunteer, Threat Intel at Nixu, Dad of twin rascals

Meetup will be streamed on Twitch: [https://twitch.tv/helsec](https://events.helsec.fi/redirect/?url=https%3A//twitch.tv/helsec%3AvkLheGTncgEMoRFAdQ81UFqvEiYGehvkzxo9QM6MUQo)